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到东湖玩(An Outing to the East Lake)
更新时间:2024-04-28 10:53:58

到东湖玩(An Outing to th ast Lak)ystrday my mothr and i wnt to th ast lak about 40 kilomtrsast of th city. i had a good tim thr.w lft hom at svn o'clock in th morning, and it took us about an hour to driv thr. thn w got to th lak. oh, how larg th lak was!thr wr many grn trs and rd flowrs around it. w got on a small boat and rowd it. th sky was clar and th brz touchd our facs softly. i sang whil rowing th boat.aftr w had lunch in a small rstaurant, w rturnd hom. i rally hop to go thr nxt spring!【参考译文】昨天我和妈妈去了城东40公里远的东湖。我在那里玩得很开心。我们早晨7点钟离开家,驾车去那里用了大约一个小时。然后我们到了那个湖。啊,这湖多大啊!湖的周围是绿树红花。我们上了一只小船开始划了起来。天气晴朗,微风拂面,我一边划船一边唱歌。在一家小饭店吃过午饭后,我们回家了。我真希望明年春天再去那里!

到东湖玩(An Outing to the East Lake)

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